Scratch project: bouncy ball game
I made a simple pong- or brickbreaker-style bouncy ball game in Scratch, which I think would be a good project for the kids. You can see it ...
I made a simple pong- or brickbreaker-style bouncy ball game in Scratch, which I think would be a good project for the kids. You can see it at
Use a mouse to move a paddle and bounce a ball around the screen. You have 5 lives; if the ball falls off the bottom, you lose a life. Your score increments - watch the high score to see your best achievement in your 5 lives. As you increase in "levels", the ball gets faster and the background and ball color change. There's also some simplified physics of changing the ball's angle if you hit it with a moving paddle. Steps for getting the students to implement it:
Use a mouse to move a paddle and bounce a ball around the screen. You have 5 lives; if the ball falls off the bottom, you lose a life. Your score increments - watch the high score to see your best achievement in your 5 lives. As you increase in "levels", the ball gets faster and the background and ball color change. There's also some simplified physics of changing the ball's angle if you hit it with a moving paddle. Steps for getting the students to implement it:
- Make a ball sprite that bounces off the walls.
- Add a paddle that follows your mouse horizontally, but stays in a constant y position.
- Make the ball bounce of the paddle if it hits it.
- Stop the game if the ball falls off the bottom of the screen.
- Enhancements:
- Add a score counter
- Make the ball speed up every 30 seconds
- Add 5 lives
- Add levels with different backdrops
- Add a high score counter
- Add some kind of boost if you hit the ball with a moving paddle
- Any other ideas...?